Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Port gets Political

I felt the need to write about something, and tonight is the non-State of the Union Address. What follows is thoughts from the broadcast, in bullet format, and written down as things happen during the speech.

Note: This is long, but they're quick notes.

- The pomp and circumstance of introductions, while historically based and somewhat exciting, could really be toned down to save a lot of time. Time is money, right? Are introductions cutting in to the economy? We'll see if that's part of the stimulus plan.
- Wolf is saying that the speech is going to be focused on domestic policy. Isn't that what we should have been doing a long time ago? Without abandoning foreign policy, focusing on improving domestically, in infrastructure, education, and environment? How much better off would we be if the money spent in Iraq was spend stateside?
- Sorry, Wolf. No matter how you spin it for ratings, this is not that historic of a moment. Important, yes. But not historic. It has happened before, and it will happen again, on a yearly basis (yeah, yeah, its not a State of the Union. But it's the same thing.) That does not make i historic, yet. If the speech becomes historic, that's one thing. The event itself, not to much.
- $5 says my friend Alwyn is a better photographer than the "official photographer of the US." Also, props to the President for throwing out left-handed handshakes when the right hand is occupied. Also, does Obama kiss Hillary Clinton during the normal course of their meetings? If so, does the rest of the cabinet feel left out?
- Ooooooo, presents for the leaders of each house. They're probably puppies.
- From the side, Chief Justice Roberts sort of looks like Chancellor Wrighton of Wash U.
On to the speech:
  - Early on, a lot of talk that sounds like he's still running for office. Stats about the past administration's time, and not enough talking about how to fix it, yet.
- It begins with jobs. But where, doing what? Are we going to see a New(er) Deal? 
- Camera on John Kerry. Looks like he has a newspaper under his arm.
- ... and on McCain with the word skepticism. 
- Not sure how I feel about the comedy lines dropped in to the speech. Obama is the type of charismatic speaker who can pull it off, because the public identifies with him as a person and as a politician. But this isn't really the time or place. 
- Recovery.gov. Wish I would've bought that domain first.
- A lot about cars, even if subtle mentions. Realistically, now is not good to buy a car, if we want to get over that oil hump he opened the speech with. Wait a few years, go electric.
 - Oh, Obama. Leading in industry does NOT mean ignoring what other countries do better (the Korean battery comment). Free markets encourage specialization, which makes everyone better off. You know that, I'd bet.
- The third challenge: About damn time we recognize education is important. Raise teacher salaries, attract better teachers, make education better. This promise will not be able to be kept without higher salaries for those who teach.
- Is the quitting on your country (by dropping out of high school) going to be the new tag line?
- Highest proportion of college grads by 2020: Take that, Scandinavia!
- Updating an earlier note, its probably not a newspaper, but a copy of the speech they all seem to have. My mistake.
- Is that a subtle corn subsidy shot? Are we finally getting rid of the Archer Daniels Midland nonsense subsidy?
- No torture. that's probably good.
- Sciences- good. About damn time, again. But I'm biased.

Overall, a good speech, if things promised can be implemented. Only time will tell.

Per usual, Thanks for reading.


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